What To Do If Your Bearded Dragon Turns Grey: Expert Tips

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Bearded dragons are popular pets known for their docile nature and unique appearance. These reptiles are native to Australia and are commonly kept as pets due to their easy-going temperament and low maintenance requirements.

However, as with any pet, bearded dragons can experience health issues that require attention from their owners. One common concern among bearded dragon owners is when their pet turns grey.

If a bearded dragon turns grey, it can indicate several health issues. One possible cause is shedding, a natural process that allows the reptile to grow and replace its old skin.

During shedding, the bearded dragon’s skin may appear dull and greyish and may also be more irritable than usual.

Another possible cause of grey skin in bearded dragons is stress, which environmental or handling changes can bring on.

Stress can cause a bearded dragon to become lethargic, lose its appetite, and develop grey skin. In some cases, grey skin can also signify a more serious health issue, such as a respiratory infection or parasitic infestation.


Understanding Bearded Dragon’s Color Changes


Bearded dragons are known for their vibrant colors, which can change for various reasons. Understanding these changes is essential to ensure your pet is healthy and happy.


Natural Color Changes


Bearded dragons change their colors naturally as they age, molt, or shed. Younger dragons have brighter colors than adults. They shed their skin more frequently, revealing new, vibrant skin underneath.

Their colors may begin to fade as they age, and they may develop gray patches or spots. This is a natural process and nothing to worry about.

It is also common for bearded dragons to change their colors during mating season or when they are basking in the sun.


Stress-Induced Changes


Bearded dragons can also change their colors when they are stressed or frightened. Various factors, such as improper lighting, temperature, or diet, can cause stress.

They may also become stressed due to their living conditions, such as inadequate enclosures or hiding spots.

Stress-induced color changes can include skin darkening, turning gray, or developing black spots. If you notice any of these changes, it is essential to identify and address the cause of stress immediately. Failure to do so can lead to more severe health problems.

In conclusion, bearded dragons can change their colors naturally or due to stress. Understanding these changes is crucial to ensure your pet is healthy and happy.

Monitor color changes and address them promptly to avoid potential health issues.


Identifying a Grey-Bearded Dragon

Physical Signs


A grey-bearded dragon may have a dull or faded appearance to its scales. The color of the scales may appear less vibrant than usual, and the skin may appear dry or flaky.

The eyes of a grey-bearded dragon may also appear sunken or dull. In some cases, discoloration or dark spots on the skin may indicate a possible health issue.


Behavioral Signs


A grey-bearded dragon may exhibit changes in behavior, such as lethargy or a lack of appetite. They may also appear less active than usual and spend more time basking or hiding.

In some cases, a bearded dragon may also display signs of stress, such as pacing or excessive aggression toward other bearded dragons.

It is important to note that not all grey-bearded dragons are necessarily sick or unhealthy. Some bearded dragons may naturally develop a greyer appearance as they age, especially around the head and beard area.

However, if a bearded dragon exhibits physical and behavioral signs of illness or distress, it is essential to seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

In conclusion, identifying a grey-bearded dragon involves looking for physical and behavioral signs of illness or distress.

While some grey coloration may be expected, it is essential to be aware of any changes in appearance or behavior that may indicate a health issue.


Immediate Actions to Take


If a bearded dragon turns grey, it is essential to take immediate action to ensure its health and well-being. Here are some steps that should be taken:

  • Check the temperature: The first thing to do is to check the temperature in the enclosure. The temperature should be between 95°F to 105°F on the basking spot and 75°F to 85°F on the cool side. The dragon may become lethargic and turn grey if the temperature is too low.
  • Check the lighting: The UVB lighting should be replaced every 6 to 12 months. If the lighting is not providing enough UVB, the dragon may become lethargic and turn grey.
  • Check the diet: Bearded dragons require a balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, and insects. If the dragon is not receiving enough nutrients, it may become lethargic and turn grey. Ensuring the dragon eats various foods and gets the proper calcium and vitamins is essential.
  • Check for stress: Bearded dragons can become stressed if housed in an enclosure that is too small or insufficient hiding places. Stress can cause a bearded dragon to become lethargic and turn grey.

If these immediate actions do not improve the bearded dragon’s condition, it is essential to seek the advice of a veterinarian specializing in reptiles.


Consulting a Reptile Veterinarian


If a bearded dragon turns grey, it is essential to consult a reptile veterinarian as soon as possible. A veterinarian can examine the bearded dragon, diagnose the underlying cause of the color change, and recommend the appropriate treatment.

The veterinarian will ask about the bearded dragon’s diet, habitat, and overall health during the consultation. They may also conduct a physical examination, including blood tests, fecal tests, and X-rays, to determine the cause of the color change.

Based on the diagnosis, the veterinarian may prescribe medication, recommend a change in diet or habitat, or suggest other treatments. They may also advise on preventing future color changes or health problems.

Choosing a veterinarian specializing in reptile care and with experience treating bearded dragons is essential. A veterinarian will have the necessary knowledge, skills, and equipment to provide the best care for the bearded dragon.

In conclusion, consulting a reptile veterinarian is best if a bearded dragon turns grey. They can diagnose the underlying cause of the color change and recommend the appropriate treatment.


Long-Term Care and Prevention

Proper Habitat


One of the most important aspects of long-term care for bearded dragons is providing them with a proper habitat. This includes a spacious enclosure with a basking area, a cooler area, and hiding spots.

The enclosure should be large enough for the bearded dragon to move around freely and have a substrate that is easy to clean. The temperature and humidity levels should also be monitored regularly to ensure they are within the appropriate range for bearded dragons.


Balanced Diet


A balanced diet is crucial for the health of a bearded dragon. They require a diet high in protein and calcium and low in fat. Insects such as crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches can be fed to them as a source of protein, while leafy greens and vegetables can provide them with essential vitamins and minerals.

It is important to avoid feeding them foods high in oxalates, such as spinach and kale, as these can interfere with calcium absorption.


Regular Check-ups


Regular check-ups with a veterinarian specializing in reptile care are essential for the long-term health of a bearded dragon. A veterinarian can check for any underlying health issues and guide proper care. They can also perform routine procedures such as trimming the bearded dragon’s nails and cleaning their ears.

By following these long-term care and prevention guidelines, bearded dragon owners can help ensure that their pet remains healthy and happy for years to come.

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