Author: Phil

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  • Crested Newt 6316827 640

    Can you keep smooth newts as pets? A Useful Answer

    If you’re looking for an interesting new pet to keep, you may want to consider a smooth newt. These little creatures are fascinating to watch and easy to care for. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about keeping smooth newts as pets.   Introduction   Newts are a type…

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  • Border Collie 5897931 640

    Are Smooth Newts Poisonous To Dogs? Owners Take Note

    Dogs are curious animals, and they will often explore their surroundings by sniffing and tasting everything they come across. This can be a dangerous habit if your dog happens to encounter a smooth newt. These creatures are poisonous to dogs and can cause serious health problems if ingested. In this article, we will discuss the…

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  • Silkworm 931555 640 (2)

    What to Feed Smooth Newts: The Definitive Guide

    What do Smooth Newts eat? This is a question that many newt owners have. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to what Smooth Newts eat and provide some tips on how to create the perfect diet for your newts.   Introduction   Smooth newts are a common sight in many gardens…

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  • Alpine Newt 2383004 640

    Can you keep smooth newts as pets? See The Answer

    Smooth newts are a type of salamander that make great pets. They are easy to care for and can be kept in a variety of habitats. If you’re thinking about keeping a smooth newt as a pet, there are some things you need to know first! In this article, we will discuss the care and…

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  • Pig 3407060 640 (1)

    How long do fire belly newts live? The Surprising Answer

    When it comes to fire belly newts, there is a lot of curiosity about how long they live. Many people assume that since they are a type of frog, their life expectancy is not very high. However, the truth is that fire belly newts can live for up to 10 years! In this blog post,…

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  • Axolotl 2412189 640 (2)

    Can Fire Belly Newts Live With Axolotls? An Experts Answer

    Fire belly newts and axolotls are two of the most popular types of salamanders. They are both beautiful creatures, but many people wonder – can they live together? In this article, we will explore the answer to that question. We will take a look at the differences between fire belly newts and axolotls, as well…

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