Can newts live with turtles? The Surprising Answer

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Many people are curious about whether newts can live with turtles. The answer to this question is yes, but there are a few things you should keep in mind if you are thinking about housing these two creatures together. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of keeping newts and turtles together, as well as the potential risks. We will also provide some tips on how to care for both animals properly.




Salamanders, newts, and frogs have something in common: they’re amphibians. This means they can live on both land and in water, which gives them a lot of flexibility when it comes to finding a home. But what about turtles? They’re reptiles, so they’re more closely related to lizards and snakes than they are to amphibians. So, can newts live with turtles?

The answer is yes, but there are a few things to keep in mind.


  • First, turtles are predators, so newts will need to be kept in a secure enclosure where they can’t be reached by the turtle.


  • Second, turtles need access to basking areas where they can dry off and warm up; newts will need to be able to do the same.


  • Finally, both turtles and newts require clean water, so proper filtration is essential. With these considerations in mind, newts and turtles can coexist peacefully


Benefits of keeping newts and turtles together


Newts and turtles are both popular pets for people who enjoy caring for reptiles. While they may seem like very different animals, they actually have a lot in common.

Both newts and turtles are aquatic creatures, and they both breathe through their lungs. They also have similar lifespans, with most species living for 20-30 years.

However, there are some key differences between these two pets. Newts are generally smaller than turtles, and they have tails that allow them to swim gracefully through the water. Turtles, on the other hand, have hard shells that protect them from predators.

Despite their differences, newts and turtles can actually make great companions for each other. They can provide each other with the company and help to keep each other’s tanks clean. As a result, keeping newts and turtles together can be a great way to provide them with the best possible care.


Potential risks of keeping newts and turtles together


While newts and turtles may seem like they would make good tank mates, there are a few potential risks to consider before keeping them together.

First, turtles are generally much larger than newts, and their size can easily intimidate or injure smaller newts.

In addition, turtles are often known for being aggressive eaters, and they may not be able to resist the temptation to snack on a newt.

Finally, newts and turtles tend to have different temperature requirements, with newts preferring cooler waters while turtles thrive in warmer temperatures.

As a result, it is important to do your research before adding either of these animals to your tank. By understanding the potential risks, you can help to create a safe and enjoyable environment for all of your pets.


How to care for newts and turtles


If you’re thinking of adding a newt or turtle to your home, there are a few things you’ll need to do to make sure they have a happy and healthy life.

First, you’ll need to provide them with a suitable enclosure. This should include both land and water areas, as well as places to hide. You’ll also need to maintain the correct temperature and humidity levels, and provide plenty of fresh food and water.

In terms of diet, newts and turtles are both carnivores, so you’ll need to feed them live insects or other small animals. It’s also important to handle them carefully, as they can be easily injured. With proper care, newts and turtles can make enjoyable and low-maintenance pets.


Temperature requirements for both newts and turtles,


Reptiles are ectotherms, meaning that they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. This makes finding the right temperature environment critical for their health and well-being.

For example, both newts and turtles require a water temperature between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit in order to be comfortable. If the water is too cold, they will become sluggish and may even stop eating.

However, if the water is too warm, they can overheat and may even die. As a result, it is important to closely monitor the temperature of their habitat and make sure that it remains within the ideal range.

By understanding the temperature requirements of reptiles, we can ensure that they are able to thrive in our care.


The habitat that is necessary for newts and turtles.


Both newts and turtles require specific habitats in order to thrive. Newts, for example, need a place where they can find both water and land, as they spend part of their time in each.

They also need a place to hide from predators, so their habitat should offer plenty of places to hide among vegetation or under logs and rocks.

Turtles, on the other hand, need a habitat that is mostly water. They need a place to dive down deep, as well as a place to come up for air.

Their habitat should also offer them plenty of places to bask in the sun. As you can see, both newts and turtles have specific needs when it comes to their habitats.

If you are hoping to attract either of these creatures to your yard, it is important to create a space that meets their needs.

By understanding the needs of both newts and turtles, we can create habitats that are perfect for them. By providing them with a place to hide, access to water, and the right temperature, we can ensure that they are able to thrive.




In conclusion, newts and turtles can coexist peacefully in the same environment. Both species are semi-aquatic and enjoy basking in the sun, so they are often found in the same areas.

Newts are generally smaller than turtles and have a more slender body shape.

Turtles have a hard shell that protects them from predators, while newts have slimy skin that contains toxins that deter predators. While both species can live together, it is important to provide plenty of space for both newts and turtles to roam.

When kept in captivity, newts and turtles should be kept in separate tanks to avoid conflict. With proper care and attention, newts and turtles can make great pets for reptile lovers of all ages.

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