Category: Amphibians

  • Can Fire Belly Newts Live With Axolotls? An Experts Answer

    Can Fire Belly Newts Live With Axolotls? An Experts Answer

    Fire belly newts and axolotls are two of the most popular types of salamanders. They are both beautiful creatures, but many people wonder – can they live together? In this article, we will explore the answer to that question. We will take a look at the differences between fire belly newts and axolotls, as well…

  • What Can Live With Fire Belly Newts? A Complete Guide

    What Can Live With Fire Belly Newts? A Complete Guide

    Fire belly newts are a popular pet choice for many people. They are interesting to watch and relatively easy to care for. But what can you actually keep with them? In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of animals that can live with fire belly newts and provide some tips on how…

  • Do fire belly newts need UVB? The Surprising Answer 

    Do fire belly newts need UVB? The Surprising Answer 

    If you’re like most newt enthusiasts, you want to give your newts the best possible care. One question that often comes up is whether or not fire belly newts need UVB light. In this blog post, we will explore the answer to that question and help you decide what type of lighting is best for…

  • Can Fire Belly Newts Live With Fire Belly Toads? A Surprising Answer

    Can Fire Belly Newts Live With Fire Belly Toads? A Surprising Answer

    Can fire belly newts and fire belly toads live together? This is a question that many people are asking, and the answer is not entirely clear. Some experts say that the two species can get along just fine, while others believe that they will compete for food and habitat. In this blog post, we will…

  • Can fire belly newts live with African dwarf frogs?

    Can fire belly newts live with African dwarf frogs?

    Can fire belly newts live with African dwarf frogs? This is a question that many people have been asking lately. The answer is yes, they can! Fire belly newts and African dwarf frogs make great companions for each other. They both require similar care, and they will enjoy spending time together in your tank. In…