Why Does My Bearded Dragon Lick Me?: The Surprising Answer

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Do you have a bearded dragon? If so, you may have wondered why it licks you. Believe it or not, there is a reason for this behavior! In this blog post, we will discuss the reasons why bearded dragons lick their owners and what it means for your relationship with your pet.


Why does my bearded dragon lick me?


– When they are thirsty or hungry.

– To show affection.

– Out of habit.

– They see you as a friend and are comfortable around you.

– To get your attention.

– They need something and are trying to communicate with you.


– When they are thirsty or hungry.

One of the most common reasons why bearded dragons lick their owners is because they are thirsty or hungry. If you notice that your pet is licking you more often than usual, it may be a sign that it needs more water or food. Be sure to provide your bearded dragon with plenty of fresh water and a nutritious diet to keep them healthy and happy.


– To show affection.

Another reason why bearded dragons lick their owners is to show affection. Much like how we show our love by giving hugs and kisses, beardies express their fondness for their caregivers by licking them. If you have been bonded with your bearded dragon, they may see you as a member of their family and want to show you some love.


– Out of habit.

In some cases, bearded dragons lick their owners out of habit. If they have been doing it since they were a baby, it can become a part of their normal behavior. Even if it doesn’t seem to serve a purpose, your bearded dragon may just enjoy the sensation of licking you.


– They see you as a friend and are comfortable around you.

Bearded dragons are social creatures that enjoy being around their family and friends. If your bearded dragon licks you, it may be because they see you as a friend and feel comfortable around you. This is a good sign that your relationship with your pet is strong and healthy.


– To get your attention.

Another reason why bearded dragons lick their owners is to get their attention. If your bearded dragon wants to be picked up or played with, they may lick you as a way of asking for what they want. Pay close attention to your pet’s body language and behavior to see if this is the case.


– They need something and are trying to communicate with you.

Finally, bearded dragons may lick their owners because they need something and are trying to communicate with them. If your pet is licking you and also showing other signs of distress, it may be trying to tell you that it is sick or injured. In this case, you should take them to the vet right away.

As you can see, there are a number of reasons why bearded dragons lick their owners. In most cases, it is nothing to worry about, but it’s important to be aware of the reasons why your pet may be doing it. By understanding your bearded dragon’s behavior, you can better care for them and build a stronger bond with this amazing creature.


What senses are in the tongue of a bearded dragon?


The tongue of a bearded dragon is covered in what are called papillae. These are tiny, sharp, keratinized structures that help the lizard to scrape food off of surfaces and into its mouth. But the papillae are also home to a variety of sensors that give the bearded dragon information about its environment.

These sensors include taste buds, which allow the lizard to identify whether something is nutritious or not; thermoreceptors, which help it to find areas that are warm or cool; and mechanoreceptors, which detect movement and pressure. In other words, when your bearded dragon licks you, it’s getting a pretty good idea of what you’re made of!


Do bearded dragons lick more in the breeding season?


There is some anecdotal evidence that bearded dragons may lick their owners more during the breeding season. This could be because they are trying to get your attention or because they associate you with food. If your bearded dragon starts licking you more during the breeding season, it’s probably nothing to worry about.

However, if you notice your bearded dragon licking you more than usual outside of the breeding season, it could be a sign of stress. Bearded dragons can become stressed for a variety of reasons, including changes in their environment or diet, lack of hiding places, and interaction with other animals. If you think your bearded dragon is stressed, try to identify the source of the stress and remove it if possible. can also ask your veterinarian for help.


Are they trying to sense their surroundings?


Some believe that bearded dragons lick their owners as a way to sense their surroundings. They may be using the scent of their owner’s skin and saliva to learn more about them and what is going on around them. This could help them feel more comfortable in their environment.


Are they trying to groom us?


Another possibility is that bearded dragons are licking their owners as a way to groom them. They may see us as another member of their pack and feel the need to help keep us clean. This could also be why they sometimes lick each other – it’s a way of keeping everyone in the group clean and healthy.


Do they just like the taste?


Finally, some people believe that bearded dragons simply enjoy the taste of human skin and saliva. It’s possible that they find it sweet or salty, and that’s why they can’t seem to get enough! Whatever the reason, it’s definitely an interesting behavior to watch!


Are they marking their territory?


One theory is that bearded dragons lick their owners as a way of marking their territory. They may see us as part of their home and want to make sure that other dragons know we belong to them. This could be why they sometimes seem more interested in licking people’s hands or feet – these are areas where our scent is strongest.


Can licking be a sign of aggression?


Interestingly, licking can also be a sign of aggression in bearded dragons. If they see us as a threat or rival, they may start licking us as a way of trying to scare us off. So if your dragon starts licking you aggressively, it might be time to back off!


Is licking a concern?


Generally, licking is not a cause for concern. However, if your bearded dragon starts licking you aggressively, it might be time to back off! Additionally, if you notice that your dragon is excessively licking their water dish, it’s worth keeping an eye on them to make sure they’re staying hydrated.




No one knows for sure why bearded dragons lick their owners, but there are several possible explanations. It’s a behavior that’s definitely worth keeping an eye on, and it can offer some interesting insights into your dragon’s mind!




Q: Why does my bearded dragon lick me when I hold him?

A: One possibility is that your bearded dragon is trying to sense their surroundings. They may be using the scent of their owner’s skin and saliva to learn more about them and what is going on around them. This could help them feel more comfortable in their environment. Another possibility is that they’re simply trying to groom us! They may see us as another member of their pack and feel the need to help keep us clean.


Q: Can licking be a sign of aggression?

A: Yes, licking can also be a sign of aggression in bearded dragons. If they see us as a threat or rival, they may start licking us as a way of trying to scare us off. So if your dragon starts licking you aggressively, it might be time to back off!


Q: Why does my bearded dragon lick his water dish?

A: There are a few different possible explanations for this behavior. One possibility is that your bearded dragon is trying to taste the water and see if it’s safe to drink. Another explanation is that they may be using the water dish as a way to mark their territory. Finally, some people believe that dragons lick their water dishes because they enjoy the taste of the water. No one knows for sure why they do it, but it’s definitely an interesting behavior to watch!

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