Snakes in the House: Where to Find Them and What to Do

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If you’re like most people, the thought of a snake slithering around your house sends shivers down your spine. But what should you do if you encounter one? In this blog post, we will discuss where snakes like to hide and what to do if you find one in your home. We’ll also provide some tips for preventing snakes from entering your house in the first place. Stay safe and keep snakes out of your house.




Snakes are often associated with dark, dank places, which can make them difficult to find when they take up residence in a home.

However, there are a few key places where snakes are likely to hide.

One common hiding spot is under furniture, especially if the furniture is close to the ground.

Snakes also like to coil up in tight spaces, so they may be found behind appliances or in cabinets.

Another favorite hiding place is in stacks of debris or firewood.

Snakes will also take advantage of any openings in the foundation of a house or gaps in door and window frames.

By understanding where snakes like to hide, homeowners can take steps to keep them out of their homes.


The most common places where snakes like to hide in a house


Snakes are often feared by humans, but they can actually make great pets. However, if you’re not careful, snakes can escape and hide in your home. Here are some of the most common places where snakes like to hide:

  • Under furniture: Snakes often like to hide under furniture, where they can stay warm and out of sight. Be sure to check under beds, couches, and chairs when looking for a missing snake.


  • In closets: Closets are another favorite hiding spot for snakes. They offer plenty of places to hide, and snakes can often find food (mice and other small animals) in closets.


  • In drawers: Drawers are yet another popular hiding spot for snakes. Snakes can easily slip into drawers and hide behind clothes or other items.


  • In laundry baskets: Laundry baskets offer a warm, dark place for snakes to hide. Be sure to check laundry baskets carefully before reaching in.


These are just a few of the most common places where snakes like to hide in homes. If you think your snake may be hidden somewhere in your home, be sure to search thoroughly.


How do you know if there’s a snake in your house?


One of the easiest ways to tell if there is a snake in your house is to look for signs of shedding.

Snakes regularly shed their skin, and the process can often be messy.

In addition to finding shed skin, you may also see small piles of feces or urine.

These can be a sign that a snake is using your home as a latrine.

If you see any of these signs, it’s important to take precautions. Snakes can carry diseases and parasites, and their bites can be painful and even deadly.

If you suspect there may be a snake in your home, it’s best to call a professional for help.

They will have the experience and equipment necessary to safely remove the snake and prevent it from returning.


How do you get a snake out of hiding?


Snakes are often hard to spot due to their shy nature and ability to blend in with their surroundings. However, there are a few things that you can do to try to find a snake that is hiding.

First, look for places where snakes are likely to hide, such as in tall grass, under rocks, or in trees.

Then, try using a stick or pole to poke around in these areas. If you hear a snake hissing or see it moving, stop and back away slowly.

Finally, if you still cannot find the snake, you may need to use bait, such as live mice or insects, to lure it out of hiding.

By following these steps, you will be more likely to find a snake that is hiding.


What to do if you see a snake in your house


If you see a snake in your house, the best thing to do is to calmly and quickly leave the room, snakes are often more scared of humans than we are of them, and they will usually try to escape if given the chance.

If you cannot leave the room, try to keep yourself as far away from the snake as possible.

If you must touch it, make sure to wear gloves or use a long stick. Never attempt to pick up a snake, as this could be dangerous for both you and the snake.

If you have children or pets in the house, make sure to keep them away from the snake until it has been safely removed.

Once the snake has been removed from the premises, you can contact a local reptile expert to identify the species and determine whether it poses a danger to your home.


How to prevent snakes from entering your home in the first place


The good news is that there are a few simple steps you can take to help prevent snakes from entering your home in the first place.

  • One of the best ways to deter snakes is to keep your yard clean and free of debris. Snakes like to hide in places where they can’t be seen, so a tidy yard is less likely to attract them.


  • You should also seal any cracks or openings around your home, as snakes can fit through surprisingly small spaces.


  • Finally, you can try using snake repellent. There are a number of commercial products available, or you can make your own by mixing vinegar and water in a spray bottle.


By taking these precautions, you can help to keep snakes out of your home for good.



Snakes are often seen as scary, dangerous creatures. But they can actually be quite helpful since they help to control populations of rodents and other pests. Still, many people are afraid of snakes and would prefer not to have them in their homes. So where do snakes like to hide?

There are a few common places that snakes will choose to hide in a house. One is in a dark, cool basement. Snakes are cold-blooded creatures, so they prefer areas where the temperature is lower. Another common hiding spot for snakes is behind appliances or in closets, where they can stay out of sight. Finally, snakes also like to hide in attics, where it’s quiet and dark.

If you think there may be a snake hiding in your home, it’s important to remain calm and call a professional for help. Trying to catch or kill a snake yourself can be dangerous, and it’s best to leave it to the experts.

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