Can Lizards Drink Tea? The Surprising Answer

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As a lizard pet owner, you may have wondered if lizards can drink tea. It’s understandable – after all, it’s not every day that you get asked if you can give your pet a cup of your favorite beverage. The good news is that the answer is yes. But there are some caveats – let’s look at why and how lizards can safely drink tea.


Can lizards drink tea?


While offering your pet lizard a refreshing cup of tea might be tempting, it’s not something you should do.

Lizards cannot drink liquid from cups as humans can. That being said, one particular species of lizard- the Chameleon– can absorb water droplets off leaves and other surfaces in their environment.

Therefore, they don’t need a cup of tea or other liquids to stay hydrated.

As with all reptiles and amphibians, proper hydration is essential for their health and well-being, so water must be available to them at all times in ways they can access it.


Why Can Lizards Drink Tea?


Lizards need water just like any other animal, but they don’t need it the same way as humans, cats, and dogs.

They get most of their hydration from their food, so they don’t need to drink as much water as we do.

They still need moisture for their skin and organs to function correctly.

This is where tea comes in! Tea contains caffeine and antioxidants, which can be beneficial for lizards as long as it is consumed in moderation.


How to Give Your Lizard Tea Safely


The first step to giving your lizard tea is to ensure that it’s unsweetened and non-alcoholic.

Sweeteners like sugar or honey are not suitable for lizards as they could cause health issues such as obesity or diabetes down the line.

Alcohol can also be toxic for lizards and should be avoided at all costs.

Once you’ve ensured the tea is suitable for consumption, the next step is to brew it properly.

Many people think that black teas are too strong for lizards, but this isn’t true – black teas contain less caffeine than green teas, so they’re safer for smaller animals like lizards.

Try brewing the tea at least twice before serving it – this will help reduce the amount of caffeine content in the final product.


Having brewed the tea


Once you’ve brewed your tea correctly, give your lizard a few drops on its tongue or mix it into its food if you prefer (make sure not to add too much!).

Don’t give them too much tea at once, though – no more than a teaspoon per day should be enough for an adult lizard.

Giving them too much can lead to dehydration or other health problems over time.

Finally, keep an eye on your lizard when giving them tea – if they seem lethargic or uninterested, then stop giving it to them immediately.


Any types of tea that are ok for lizards


Herbal teas can make an occasional excellent treat for lizards, as many are packed with minerals and vitamins that can benefit their health.

Some popular herbal teas safe to give your pet lizard include chamomile, peppermint, hibiscus, and lavender.

Always check with a vet before introducing any new food item into your animal’s diet.

Also, remember that herbal teas should only be fed to lizards sparingly and not daily. Too much tea is just as bad for lizards as it is for humans.




Giving your lizard a bit of unsweetened black tea can provide some valuable hydration and nutrition in moderation. Just make sure you always use caution when giving anything new to your pet – even something seemingly harmless like tea.

With these tips in mind, there’s no rthere’sour lizard shouldn’t beshouldn’tenjoy some high-quality brew now and then.

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