Category: Amphibians

  • Can fire belly newts live with African dwarf frogs?

    Can fire belly newts live with African dwarf frogs?

    Can fire belly newts live with African dwarf frogs? This is a question that many people have been asking lately. The answer is yes, they can! Fire belly newts and African dwarf frogs make great companions for each other. They both require similar care, and they will enjoy spending time together in your tank. In…

  • Can fire belly newts live with frogs? The Surprising Answer

    Can fire belly newts live with frogs? The Surprising Answer

    Fire belly newts and frogs are two popular amphibians that can be found in many pet stores. They both make great pets, but can they live together? In this article, we will explore the answer to that question. We will take a look at the different needs of fire belly newts and frogs, and see…

  • Can fire belly toads live with fire belly newts? A Helpful Answer

    Can fire belly toads live with fire belly newts? A Helpful Answer

    Fire belly newts and fire belly toads are two of the most popular types of amphibians. They are both easy to care for, and they both make great pets. But can they live together in the same tank? In this blog post, we will explore the answer to that question.   Introduction   Yes, fire…

  • Do Salamanders hibernate? The Surprising Answer

    Do Salamanders hibernate? The Surprising Answer

    When the weather starts to get cold, many people wonder if salamanders hibernate. The answer is a little surprising! Salamanders do not hibernate in the traditional sense. Instead, they undergo an amazing process called brumation. In this blog post, we will discuss what brumation is and how salamanders use it to survive the winter.  …

  • Can a salamander live with a frog?  The Surprising Answer

    Can a salamander live with a frog?  The Surprising Answer

    If you’re ever wondering if a salamander can live with a frog, the answer is yes! Salamanders and frogs are both amphibians, meaning they both live in water and on land. They make great roommates because they have different needs when it comes to their environment. Salamanders like to live in damp areas, while frogs…

  • Can a bearded dragon eat a salamander? The Surprising Answer

    Can a bearded dragon eat a salamander? The Surprising Answer

    Bearded dragons are popular pets, but many people don’t know what they can and can’t eat. Can a bearded dragon eat a salamander? The answer is no – salamanders are toxic to bearded dragons. If you have a bearded dragon, it’s important to know what they can and can’t eat so you can keep them…